Tunjungan Plaza 4 Lantai 6
Depan Parkiran Hotel Four Points, Surabaya
Service 1 : Pk. 10.00
Service 2 : Pk. 12.00
Service 3 : Pk. 14.00
Service 4 : Pk. 15.00
Service 5 : Pk. 17.00
Service 6 : Pk. 19.00
The Pearl Exhibition Hall Lt. 3
Pakuwon Mall, Surabaya
Service 1 : Pk. 10.00
Service 2 : Pk. 12.00
Service 3 : Pk. 14.00
Service 4 : Pk. 16.00
Service 5 : Pk. 18.00
Flix Cinema Studio 1
Mall of Indonesia P2
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Service 1 : Pk. 10.00
Service 2 : Pk. 12.00
Service 3 : Pk. 14.00
Service 4 : Pk. 16.00